Lawrenceville Child Molestation Lawyer

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Lawrenceville Child Molestation Attorney

Facing child molestation charges is a very serious offense. Even if you are not found guilty, there is social stigma and consequences that can come from accusations alone. If you are accused of child molestation, it is important to seek the counsel of a Lawrenceville child molestation lawyer as soon as possible.

Lawrenceville Child Molestation Lawyer

Why Choose Us?

Because of the nature of the crime and the potential consequences that can occur as a result, being represented by a reputable attorney is crucial. The attorneys at Fleming Firm team can help uncover evidence in the event that you have an alibi or the allegations are inconsistent with proof, such as DNA evidence.

We can explain your rights to you. We can advise you on the next steps in the trial process. We can also offer you legal counsel on whether to accept a plea deal or proceed with a trial. In the event of a trial, we can help gather credible witnesses to aid in your defense. We understand facing these types of accusations can take its toll on your legal, personal, and professional life. We can provide you with the support you need to move forward during this difficult time.

What Is Child Molestation?

Child molestation involves sexual acts performed on or with a child such as inappropriate touching or even attempted rape. This could include a range of offenses, including inappropriate touching, penetration, and even forcing the child to view pornography. In Georgia, this also includes sending images of engaging in such acts with a child under the age of 16.

Penalties for Child Molestation

The penalties for child molestation can be serious. They are usually categorized as felonies, with the possibility of many years in prison. In Georgia, a first offense typically carries a prison sentence of 5-20 years and a minimum of 10 years for a second offense. For additional offenses, an offender is at risk of life in prison.

There are also factors that, if present, can increase the likelihood of additional or stiffer penalties. Some of these factors are:

  • Having prior sex convictions
  • The sexual abuse against the child happened continually rather than as a one-time occurrence
  • The offender held a place of authority over the child, such as a teacher
  • The offender harmed the child
  • The offender threatened the child

These factors can increase a person’s jail time, as well as impose other penalties, depending on the circumstances.

What To Do if You’ve Been Accused of Child Molestation

If you’ve been accused of child molestation, the first thing you’ll want to do is secure legal counsel. An attorney can help you navigate the legal and social issues that may arise. Be honest with your lawyer. On top of providing you with guidance and advice on what to do and what not to do during the trial period, an attorney can also speak on your behalf to the courts and to the affected families.

This is important because after you have been charged, everything you say is at risk of being scrutinized and used against you. Even if your statements seem innocent, especially if you feel like you have nothing to hide, a prosecutor can still use statements against you in court. An attorney can speak for you and help you avoid incriminating yourself or negatively impacting your trial.

An attorney will likely advise you to keep any evidence linked to the alleged victim or the accusations against you. This includes texts, e-mails, and proof of an alibi, such as a plane ticket showing that you were elsewhere at the time of the alleged incident. The lawyer may also ask you for the names and contact information of witnesses who can speak on your behalf and your relationship with the child.

Your lawyer in Lawrenceville, Georgia will likely advise you on what not to do after being charged, such as advising you not to have contact with your accuser, not to discuss the case and its details with anyone, especially the alleged victim, their family, and your family and friends, not to talk to law enforcement without your attorney, and not to share evidence with anyone without your attorney.


Q: What Is the Average Sentence for Child Molesters in Georgia?

A: In Georgia, the sentence for child molesters varies based on a number of factors, including the severity of the offense and the circumstances surrounding the case, such as the age of the victim, whether there was violence involved, and whether the offense happened over a period of time. A first-offense penalty can range from 5-20 years in prison, and a second offense carries a minimum of 10 years.

Q: What Is the 16 6 4 Law in Georgia?

A: The 16 6 4 law in Georgia is the Georgia code that addresses child molestation. This code states that child molestation occurs when a person performs any immoral or indecent act to a child, with a child, or in the presence of a child under the age of 16 with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the perpetrator.

Q: What Is the Sentence for Aggravated Child Molestation?

A: Aggravated child molestation carries more serious penalties. This is because in aggravated child molestation, physical injury was done to the child, or sodomy occurred. In these cases, a convicted offender can face at least 25 years in prison, up to life imprisonment. If the offender is released, they will likely face a lifetime of probation.

Q: What Do I Do if Falsely Accused of Child Molestation?

A: If you are falsely accused of child molestation, the first thing you will want to do is hire an attorney. They can advise you on the next steps to take and what actions to refrain from, particularly in exercising your right to remain silent. Avoid contact with your accuser, and do not discuss the case with anyone else.

Contact The Fleming Firm Today

Facing child molestation charges is a serious occurrence. It can have a drastic impact on both your personal and professional life as well as facing potential steep penalties for the charge if convicted. You do not have to face these accusations alone. Contact The Fleming Firm to begin speaking with someone about your case.
