Lawrenceville Rape Defense Lawyer

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Lawrenceville Rape Defense Attorney

When facing accusations of a serious crime such as rape or sexual battery, the stakes are incredibly high, with not only your reputation and future on the line but your very freedom. As the home of the premiere Lawrenceville rape defense lawyer, The Fleming Firm understands the gravity of such charges and the profound lifelong impact they can have on the accused.

Whether you need guidance beating false allegations or navigating a more complex matter, we are ready to listen, understand, and work tirelessly in defense of your rights.

At The Fleming Firm, our rape defense team stands ready to provide high-end criminal defense services for those accused of sexual offenses in Lawrenceville, GA, and the surrounding localities. Rape accusations are taken seriously by Georgia authorities, and convictions for rape and other sex crimes can carry severe consequences, including imprisonment and registration as a sex offender, in addition to the long-lasting damage done to your personal and professional life.

The Fleming Firm’s approach to criminal defense — one rooted in compassion and meticulous preparation — can help accused parties mitigate these extreme consequences. Our strategies are always client-focused, which means our world-class legal tools can be adapted to meet any situation.

This means we can offer highly effective legal representation whether you need help negotiating a plea bargain, are petitioning the court to dismiss your charges entirely, or have some other need.

Lawrenceville Rape Defense Lawyer

The Fleming Firm’s Keys to GA Rape Defense

  • Thorough investigation — Our process is detail-oriented at every step, and that begins with an exhaustive investigation into your case and the available evidence.
  • Evidence analysis — Once all of the evidence is on the table, the real work begins. The Fleming Firm has some of the sharpest legal minds in the game, analyzing every scrap of evidence on a line-by-line, pixel-by-pixel basis. Even the most high-tech forensic evidence can sometimes be called into question — or thrown out of court completely — if proper procedures are not followed when collecting it.
  • Witness credibility — One defense strategy that is effective in some cases is calling into question the credibility of the prosecution’s witnesses. We will explore this and every other potential strategy in our mission to craft the legal defense that meets your exact needs and leads to the optimal outcome possible.
  • Rights violations — Some cases can hinge on procedural issues that have little to do with the case itself. For example, if your constitutional rights were violated during the arrest or investigation, it may offer a powerful leverage point for arguing that your case should be dismissed.
  • Comprehensive support — We know that you will have plenty of questions during this challenging time, so another major part of our process at The Fleming Firm is our commitment to being available to our clients when they need us. We will take the time to truly understand your story, answer your questions, and take your individual perspective into consideration when building your defense.


How Much Is a Defense Attorney in Georgia?

A defense attorney in Georgia can represent a significant investment, but this is often worth the cost when your reputation, future, and freedom are all on the line. The exact cost of legal services will vary greatly from case to case, depending on factors such as the complexity of your case, the length of time you spend in court, your individual goals (plea bargain vs. fighting charges), local rates for legal services, and your attorney’s fee schedule.

Has a Defense Lawyer Ever Turned on Their Client?

It would be extremely unusual for a defense lawyer to “turn” on their client. Such an occurrence would represent a serious breach by the attorney in question, potentially leading to a lawsuit, disbarment, or criminal charges, depending on the extent of the situation.

We can’t vouch for every defense lawyer in human history, but we can assure you that working with the reputable team at The Fleming Firm will allow you to rest easy knowing your lawyer is fully committed to upholding your interests, no matter what you’re facing.

What Happens When an Accused Person Cannot Afford a Private Defense Lawyer?

When an accused person cannot afford a private defense lawyer, they are usually assigned representation by the court. Some defendants may alternatively choose to represent themselves, but this is rare and almost never advisable. It is wise to speak to a defense lawyer and discuss their costs to see if they would agree to a payment plan to ease any financial burden.

Do People Tell Defense Attorneys the Truth?

It is impossible to know if everyone tells their defense attorney the truth. That being said, it is highly advisable to be completely open and honest with your attorney. Knowing the true facts surrounding your case gives a defense attorney the chance to craft an effective defense. It is important to collaborate effectively with your attorney so that you can make use of their valuable legal skills rather than try to deceive or manipulate them.

The Fleming Firm — Georgia’s Premiere Rape Defense Attorneys

Founding attorney Preston Fleming and The Fleming Firm stand ready to help Georgia residents accused of rape in the Lawrenceville area because of one simple principle. That principle is that everyone deserves the right to a fair trial and to have their side of the story heard, no matter how heinous the accusations made against them are.

We believe this principle — that someone is innocent until proven guilty beyond a doubt in a fair trial — is foundational to our American justice system, and we are proud to stand in defense of it — and of you.

If you need help responding to accusations of rape or other sexual offenses, please contact our Lawrenceville, GA, offices to set up a confidential and judgment-free consultation with a member of our team. Whether you have already been arrested for rape or merely suspect you are being investigated, the right time to reach out for help is right now. We can discuss the details of your case and how we could build a robust defense.
